Hi there! My name's Brie, and I welcome you to my humble little blog! I've been meaning to get a legitimate blog besides my tumblog, and personally I'm really happy to be here. A little bit about me is that I'm a seventeen-year-old junior in high school that often gets mistaken for a college student or someone who works in the store I happen to be shopping in. My favorite fruit is mandarin oranges, my favorite smell is beach breeze, and my favorite language besides English is Spanish. Right now I'm thrilled because I'm playing to my strengths by doing one of the things I do best - writing.
Yes, I'm one of those crazy young creative writers who always has a story in her mind and her eyes to the sky. But is that all so bad? Writing is a way to release creativity, and since my artistic skills end at stick figures and my vocal skills are yet to be determined, writing is the only eloquent, pleasant way for me to express myself. And besides, isn't it much more fun to have spent the day in a reality that's all your own? If you think about it, that's what real life is, one long continuous story with subplots galore, random tangents, and a strange plot structure. But there's always a happy time on the horizon, because a happy ending depends on where you stop the story.
Where do you stop yours?
Hoping the stars shine for you,
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