Monday, May 13, 2013

Pressing Random Colorful Buttons! :D

Hello everyone ^_^ The title of my post is essentially a statement of my brain right now, because it's fried.

I had a lot on my plate this last week, what with AP testing coming on Friday and boatloads of tests. Friday I was actually in AP testing back-to-back for nine hours, so that was fun. But then I got to go see Oblivion with some friends, so I effectively numbed my brain.

THEN PROM :D It was my first one, down in the city, and it was awesome. Dinner was pretty good, and I got to spend a night with a bunch of friends all looking dapper. I could have done with less 'Booty Work' and more 'Sweet Nothing', but it was a pretty great night and I got chocolate chip pancakes and Cheetos out of it. Not necessarily in that order.

Anyway, with my FINAL AP test this Wednesday, I'm actually going to be able to work on The Artist and perhaps even get Collins in a dress. She's going to hate me, and I'm going to laugh hysterically. Perhaps it's better to write this portion when I'm by myself so as not to get weird looks.

Wishing everyone sunshine and fast-approaching vacations,

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