If you got the High School Musical 2 reference, you get a cookie. My friend and I made them yesterday. ^_^
But yes, it's now officially summer for me! Technically I got out this past Friday, but I had so much to do with testing and college searching and weddings and other crazy things that I didn't really get to relax and fully soak up the fact that it is now officially summer until yesterday, where it was too cold to go outside and play around so an awesome writer friend of mine and I made cookies and pie and then watched Disney movies. It was a great way to kick off my summer vacation.
What does this mean for me? Writing. All day, errday, I'll be doing my best to be writing. I have some summer work to do, but it seems to me that I can do those during my breaks for food. Just reading and annotating two books (my favorite thing to do besides just pleasure read), reading a textbook (less fun), and figuring out documents to support whether or not we still follow the Constitution in the United States. No big thing.
Although summer is the perfect time for me to finish The Artist, I've also gotten other plot bunnies I'm tempted to explore. They're all sci-fi/dystopia, and I'm totally pumped for them. Their tentative titles are Preparatory and Surface. So you guys might be seeing some of those up on Wattpad soon!
Here's to Summer 2013, whether you spend it soaking up the sun or chilling at a desk, make it great!
Summer sun and starry nights,
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