Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Weturning Wednesday (Bugs Bunny, anyone?)

Hello, everyone! Contrary to popular belief, no, I am not dead. Unfortunately, this school year has hit me in the face like a frying pan (here's looking at you, Common Core Curriculum) and I haven't had time to do much of anything but my homework, college applications, and until now, marching band.

But, ah, as winter comes I draw a breath of free air.

Finals are coming up for me - yes, I'm actually kind of excited - and that means that I'll have four extra hours a day to myself starting next week. How can I not be excited? My friends are all getting out, snow's on the ground, my older compadres are coming back from college, I get to sleep is good.

What could I do on my break? Well...

1. Finish The Artist.

As sad as it seems, I failed NaNo completely and utterly thanks to a week of Calculus take-homes and quizzes, and a few college submissions deadlines. TA turns one December 18th (eep, seven days away!) so hopefully I can get on to the sequel before the snow melts. Hopefully.

2. Finish my college supplements and scholarship apps.

Do I need to elaborate on this one? Maybe I should've ranked this first.

3. Knock out some of my reading list.

I'm part of the way through Insurgent, the sequel to the bestseller Divergent, but my list is huge. I have to read at least one of The Mortal Instruments series, read Not A Drop To Drink by the actually-perfect Mindy McGinnis (seriously, check it out, it's super sick), and then kick back with some classic dystopian novels: Brave New World, 1984, and perhaps even get around to some Bradbury. But that's unlikely.

4. See the movies on my list.

This one's probably easier. I haven't seen the sequel to Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and I've been dying to. There's also Thor 2: The Dark World, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (comes out Christmas Day - heep!) and probably a ton more I'm forgetting. Although I DID see Catching Fire. It reduced me to that horribly obnoxious moviegoer that won't stop hitting people on either side of her and stamping her feet. So.

5. Sleep

6. Eat

But there's no way I can get that all done, can I? ...Can I? We'll see.

What're your plans for the holiday season? Travel? Sleep? None of the above? Tell me below!

Snow flurries and black ice,

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