Wednesday, February 5, 2014


So now that I've got a bit more time on my hands since the passage of the first semester of my senior year, I'm resolving to be more organized in how I update this blasted thing. Unfortunately, my lack of tech-savviness is making it hard to figure out how my followers count is still not working, nor how to link this up to twitter or Facebook automatically, but hey. I'll get there sometime.

What I resolve to work on:

-at least 2 posts a week
-Some regular day posts, like Writing Wednesdays or Topic Tuesdays
-Including more pictures and gifs in my posts (because pictures)
-Talking about more things rather than just things about the industry

Although, on a completely unrelated note, I was looking back through all my posts about being excited to be a senior, and I'm laughing because it is not what I expected at all. In fact, this year has probably been my hardest, not my easiest. But hopefully I can enjoy the last few months. Hopefully.

Also, I protested today. The revolutionary that lives inside me was proud. ^_^

But thanks for putting up with me, you guys. I'm glad you've all stuck around!

Senioritis and ice storms,

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